About Advanced Manual Therapist Randy Lind and Santa Rosa Advanced Manual Therapy
Randy Lind, CMT has been a massage therapist in private practice for over 25 years. He has specialized in medical massage and manual therapy for the last 20 years helping clients get out of pain, rehabilitate injuries and move with more ease.
Since starting his massage career in 1996, he has had quite a wide range of work experiences: sports therapy clinics, chiropractic offices, New Age conference centers and world-class spas.
Randy led the AIDS Lifecycle massage team for several years and has volunteered at a non-profit in the East Bay providing manual therapy to underserved populations.

For over 15 years, he taught at several massage schools throughout the Bay Area, leading workshops in sports massage, orthopedic assessment and several manual therapy techniques.
A few years ago, Randy created and organized a community “pop-up” manual therapy clinic in Berkeley that provided training for new manual therapists as well as low-cost manual therapy for community members.
Since the age of 17, Randy has had his hands not only on people, but animals and even plants.
“All I knew then was that it felt good and right to share presence and heart-centered touch with other beings. Today, I am deeply grateful that I still enjoy that innate calling, but now it is informed by many hours of training and years of clinical experience.”